Ghost Gunner - Dev Log

Other then broke the game? its easy just sit in a corner and spam shoot XD because the ghosts dont show up randomly you can just hide in a corner and spam shoot them, it will break the game but it works xD


yo i’m second place, never expected to be this high up

i’m somehow higher up than greggo lol, and i didn’t cheese it

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  • You can now reload with R, Space, and Right Click

  • Enemy spawn locations are randomized for Gauntlet Mode

Thanks @PhantomWolfMoon for the Gauntlet feedback!


Oooo nice that should help not being able to hide and your welcome!

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The timer used in the intensity bundle inside of the enemy spawner decreases the time between enemy spawn, and since it doesn’t stop the delay becomes 0, meaning instantaneously.

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Time to grind WR

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It’s been a pleasure helping out on this!


Slight problem, the animation for your health bar doesn’t reset in the next round of gauntlet until you get hit


I just got to the end of this game - absolutely amazing job, great use of lighting, love the spritestacked guns, etc etc.

Mini-bug report: The gun doesnt aim at the mouse if the mouse stays still. you can solve this by making globals of the mouse’s X and Y and constantly extracting them. the gun just teleports a little if i hold my mouse still lol.

Awesome game, can’t way for grazer to feature it :slight_smile:


ok, so quick bit of feedback, i think there should be some sort of cooldown on reloading since currently you can just spam reload and endlesly shoot


@sup3r87 thanks for the bug report! I never noticed that issue. I’ll get to fixing it. Also I appreciate the feature nomination :blush:

@paisleypug That’s a good idea and would make the reload mechanic feel a bit more worth while lol


Totally not what ive been doing lol

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Leaderboard will probably be unchanging with delayed reload

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Here is an idea, make it so you can see the leaderboard without having to go to the gauntlet

Happy Halloween, gang! :jack_o_lantern:

After Ghost Gunner released I decided to take a bit of a break but I’m getting right back to working. As some of you may have noticed, there is now a delay when reloading so you can’t just spam it. A lot of what I’m gonna be working on won’t just be bug fixes and whatnot. I’ve still got plenty planned for the game so I hope you look forward to it!

Hope you’re all enjoying the holiday that inspired the game!


no offense but you are totally forgiven if the gun has a cool animation for reloading
Doom Slayer GIF - Doom Slayer Reload GIFs
Animation reference


Wow this game seems to be doing good. Good game!

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I didn’t think about that lol. I’ll see if I can come up with something but the gun is sprite stacked so it’s gonna be a bit of work.


Hmmm yeah. I was half joking, but it’d be nice to have a reload animation. Like I’m one to talk lol.