Messybedland - a country i made and also made a game about

what if santa is a speedrunner trying to speedrun diabetes

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i just learned about whatever the heIl a microgeneration is. you’re telling me there’s generations between generations?? apparently im in one too because i was born between 2009 to 2012 which in hindsight makes a lot of sense


birthday :smiley:


It’s your birthday?


detentions are such a silly concept. like in pe i dropped my glasses, went to pick them up & the teacher thought i was talking. so after pe was over (during home time) i went to tell him that i wasn’t and he was like “that’s a very rude way to say it” or something despite this being how i usually talk and then he was like “you clearly weren’t listening”. i told him i was and after he went on a big rant he eventually gave me lunch time detention. first day i didnt show up because it was unreasonable and i didnt want to & i used the excuse of the sign in front. today i didn’t because it’s my birthday and i was like “i forgor” but he was like “nuh uh i heard you saying you wouldnt go when you left IT” (he’s also my it teacher and he reminded me to go). so i got a longer detention with some other teacher idk i didnt hear his name as if that’ll make me go. like i’m probably still gonna skip even if it is slightly reasonable because it has unreasonable roots. lol.

like “youve got a longer detention ooo” idc?? i aint even coming in tomorrow bc i’m going on a 3 hour drive that u dont know about?? besides that’s gonna make me want to skip more?? such a silly concept lol ik that this is going to make the situation worse but it’s funner that way. school’s boring if you don’t have chaos. in school you’re either depressed or feel like youre at the cinema watching a chaotic movie. lol


yes!! :smiley: i love my birthday it even made me sleep at a decent time (for me, at least)


Wow, it sounds like your school staff is pretty bad.

Happy Birthday then!!!


the entire british education system is bad. my nan’s on this website called mumsnet and the horror stories about the trash new school rules that are similar to mine are quite self-explanatory. we can’t wear coats inside now (we’re given less than 1 millisecond to do it. i was outside and one teacher was like “[my name], coat!” like bro i haven’t even gotten inside) and we can’t go through reception to get to the top yard or social area which is where I hang out. we have to find the worst alternate routes to stop “crowding and anxiety”. did i mention that the alt route was 10 times more crowded than the old route?


tysm!! i’ve had a great birthday :smiley:


since around 2018 i’ve always wanted to make this planet called Norpol. i used to draw it and idk what exactly happened to those drawings but someone probably threw them into the bin so norpol is no more. however the design still exists i still remember it. so i’ve decided to try and make norpol out of paper so i can send it into space. the balloons (the core of the planet) might burst but as long as it enters space (which it probably will because of the balloons) my project has been successful. if i find an old norpol drawing i’ll probably photocopy that and put it into the actual planet. it’ll probably be labelled as a dwarf planet or an artificial satellite but it’s still the 10th planet (i count pluto :slightly_frowning_face:) to me. When i get helium balloons so this can happen i’ll update you but for now it’s just an idea. This is a project 5 years in the making and maybe that number will get bigger.


the messybedland flag is falling apart i’m using bIoody sticky notes to keep it together

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the ancient hurrians are still the best band btw :fire::fire:

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so this is how cassini felt

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a teacher (lets call her mrs reeces puffs because my annoying classmates who will definitely end up in prison gave her that nickname) got fired because she set homework for year 10s to watch an r-rated movie, allegedly a horror one. this rumour started when someone who had a sister in her class heard about it and told her friend who told me & my friend & the rumour just spread from there. i think it’s true because:

  • the rumour came from a reliable source
  • in english (the lesson she teaches. we have her once every 2 weeks instead of our main english teacher) she literally just wasn’t there. there was some other teacher
  • i never thought much of it before but in mrs reeces puff’s classroom there’s literally a small part of the wall with horror posters on it. scream, halloween… you name it. so i think not only did she get fired for an r-rated homework assignment but the side-rumour that the movie for the homework was a horror one is most likely true.

edit: nope she’s not fired just ill. thought something interesting finally happened but nope. however this information did come from when my friend asked a teacher so it could be a coverup and she’s just idk on leave or smth. probs ill tho


I’ve used selotape and now it’s fixed!


I have asked my mother to get me some balloons. This is so I can get Norpol into space but I didn’t tell her that.

This will be Messybedland’s first space mission. We’re getting there much earlier than Tidybedland (aka Downstairsland) ever will.


worldbuilding when writing a story is fr so tiring… like i’m writing a romance that’ll throw a zombie apocalypse in the middle and i’ve actually got to develop the character’s relationships i can’t skip just to that part. i can’t just go “this is jack & jerry they are boyfriends and look oml they in mathematics and zombie!! aaa!” because thats just bad writing. i need to develop the romance & also their friend group. there’s 6 people in the friend group and i have to shape their personalities individually like ughhh god i’m so boreddd i wanna skip to the cool endinggg but hey at least it’s good writing and at least i didn’t go for my original plan with 7 OF THEM. also i need to develop the main character’s abusive home life and how that effects him too. i just realised in the middle of this that i forgot to include a character in chapter 4 lol

p.s. the scrapped character was called jessica now she’s just a character that’ll only be implied to have existed with the extras at the end showing what it was like before her removal. i didn’t even give her a character description she was just implied to be there through multiple things

  • in chapter 2 (jessica version) it describes “5 strangers” when referring to the friends of the main love interest as jerry, the main character, doesn’t know them yet
  • only 4 people are listed and instead of “and Jeff” at the beginning of the 4th person description in the final version it’s just “Jeff” like all the others which could imply a 5th person

I literally only named & designed her in my head lolll. btw she is canon i might create some other lore for her other than “scrapped character that is secretly included in chapter 2 bc of the extras”.

p.s.s. i’m writing this in the notes app so i could release it as a pdf on some file sharing website idk. i could release an earlier draft or the current one rn tho


World building, in my opinion, is much easier to do than the actual story. At least world building, I have a google doc that lists every event in chronological order alongside parallel events happening around the same time as main events.

It can be complicated if it’s not structured right, but I find it easy to jot down summaries of each event.

When it comes to writing the story however, you have to make it seem like a legit book, you can’t just go straight into the action. My current book, New Caben, starts off kind of slow and stays that way for a little bit, dropping off hints that there’s more to the story, but it was a pain to write it out. Then the character interactions, relationships, behavior, is very much a chore. I can describe war scenes and conflict in pure detail or political debates over the war, but when it comes to a simple interaction between two characters, all ideas go out the door.


first public draft. just terrible worldbuilding i suc,k at writing i think. expires in 7 days. some things will DEFINITELY have to be improved in future drafts. enjoy the chapter 4 crossaint drawing it probably wont be there in future drafts

i have this really terrible cough that kept waking me up last night so i only got 3-4 hours of sleep :frowning:

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