Messybedland - a country i made and also made a game about

if i can find the book i’ll send the language

We don’t have a national anthem. I’ve been trying to think of one for a while but I haven’t thought of any.

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IMG-20240221-WA0001 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB can someone flatten the flag on the wall and change the colours of it to black & white in photoshop please? and i dont mean a filter i mean the flag just recoloured to black & white please :smiley:


I don’t have photoshop and I don’t really know how to flatten the flag on the wall unless I go to your house and do it IRL.

Have you thought of drawing it digitally? And then printing it? (If you have a printer)

It wouldnt be accurate the lines would be different

Also you don’t have to do it :+1: Wish i could do it myself lol

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I found this website called it’s really cool basically you click a thing and then money gets donated to people in need. i think it’s supposed to only be every 24 hours you can click it but my phone’s glitchy so i think i can just press it infinitely lol

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our national anthem is “god save the queen” but “queen” or “the queen” is replaced with “messybedland” so it’d go like:
god save messybedland
long live messybedland
god save messybedland

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this game being sent to me must’ve been some cosmic event or a thing some higher being set up or something because there’s no way this could happen
1.) i was literally a big undertale fan in the 2010s
2.) i became obsessed with the hurrian hymns
3.) this game was made combining the 2 things & found before being sent to me
4.) this game literally could’ve been inspired by me because in the description it says "you’re especially a fan of the hurrian hymns (yes, i’ve met one person like this. They used the term hurrie on their roblox account). guess who has a hurrian hymn roblox account that uses that word? me! and i think only me! it’s even in the name of the account (hurrie_nhymnno2012)! this is mad :skull::skull:

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Been thinking of creating a Messybedland scratch account for smaller games about our glorious country. Thoughts?
Edit: Apparently I made a Messybedland scratch account 10 months & 4 weeks ago, but I just didn’t verify the email!

"Immunestopper 2nd public draft (chapters 1-6)" (Immunestopper_Major_240308_215101.pdf) is available for download ik you probably dont care but im still writing it. this one is sadly also only available for 7 days bc i cant find a bl0ody free file sharing website that doesnt need me email and keeps the files forever lol. anyways lots of changes have been made e.g. chapter 1 has had a few changes, parts of chapter 4 have been moved to chapter 3, chapter 4 has also been extended a bit, chapter 5 has been completed, chapter 6 is beginning, the chapter 4 crossaint has gotten stronger etc.

for my next draft ill choose another file sharing website that hopefully keeps my files this time lol

edit: I’ve put it onto dropbox where it will stay :smiley: Dropbox - Immunestopper_Major_240308_215101.pdf - Simplify your life

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Spotify’s lack of hurrian hymns is really a terrible problem that should be fixed. I need more hurrian hymns to add to my playlist


What are Hurrian Hymns?

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the best ancient songs

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The Hurrian Hymns are a series of 30-ish tablets found in what is now known as Syria written by an ancient civilisation called the Hurrians. The most famous of these fantastic hymns is Hurrian Hymn No. 6 (H6), otherwise known as Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal, which is the oldest one ever and currently the oldest known piece of written music if you think of The Epic Of Gilgamesh as a poem instead of a song (it’s a poem of the epic variety. it says it in the name). There are many interpretations of Hurrian Hymn No. 6 as the tablet was written before modern musical notations were made and everyone has interpreted the instructions to play it, which were written in Ancient Sumerian, differently. The most famous interpretations of the ancient banger are the ambient Brayden Olsen interpretation and the haunting Michael Levy interpretation, the latter being my first hurrian hymn. An interesting observation I’ve made just now is that you can actually hear Michael Levy’s interpretation’s first notes in Brayden Olsen’s interpretation’s first notes, which is a neat similarity, detail and probably coincidence. Despite this, there are a few more interpretations of everyone’s favourite clay tablet for example Frank O The Mountain who’s interpretation goes way harder than any other interpretation.

However, there are many more Hurrian Hymns that are much more obscure and I presume that these also have a few different interpretations as I’ve found 2 different melodies called “Hurrian Hymn No. 2” which sound quite different. They’re quite hard to find on the internet but they get easier to find if you find one other hymn and look up the artist’s name, e.g. “Puhiya(na)” (the writer of H.5) and “Urhiya” (a person who wrote two hymns before presumably becoming an Egyptian general if i remember correctly). Their songs have all been put into this “album” as you could call it. The writer of Hurrian Hymn No. 6’s name is sadly unknown though so I often just refer to them as “H6 Writer”.

Spotify has a disappointing lack of these songs despite them being, as John_Shrekinson said, the best ancient songs. I could only find a few H6 interpretations and once a weird most likely inaccurate Hurrian Hymn No. 9 (H9) interpretation. Nothing else! The Ancient Hurrians as a band really need more recognition. The wikipedia page about their hymns is only about the first one, H6. They really need more recognition!

P.S. Also, if you think about it, (this may sound mad & crazy but) their band was a project that they unknowingly were apart of and actively contributed to by making the music & putting them on clay tablets that archeaologists would find and put them all as an album: “Hurrian Hymns” with them as the makers. They technically could count as a band with members that never interacted for this reason.


look up the lyrics for hurrian hymn no. 6 and then look to the last line. the name “Macy” was mentioned. Macy H was either:

  • H6 Writer themselves
  • The wife mentioned in the lyrics who is presumably struggling to give birth & asking the god Nikkal for help
  • The father mentioned before

However if you look up the “Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal” lyrics, it’s different but makes more sense & is more coherent. It has no mention of this Macy character but does have mention of Nikkal which Genius’ H6 lyrics didn’t have. This is in the first line “Once I have endeared the deity, she will love me in her heart”, “The Deity” presumably being Nikkal. So it’s most likely that Hurrian Hymn No. 6 actually has no mention of anyone in it’s lyrics other than a wife and a father (aka the husband of the wife). Pretty interesting tbh.

OVERSEETHER_AUTHOR’S EXTRA HURRIAN HYMN NO. 6 FUN FACT: Did you know that Nikkal was actually based off the mesopotamian god Ningal? Ningal was a god that the hurrians must’ve liked so much that they based their god Nikkal off of her. They then used her in this song, which was presumably used for rituals to help people give birth based on the lyrics.


If you look up this name you’ll find a woman called Mary, a very similar name to this Macy’s. Now, we all know that experiments are done on famous musicians by the Illuminati, for example Paul McCartney (died 1966) from the Beatles being cloned and replaced by this clone after his real death, Avril Lavinge (died 2003) getting replaced with a lookalike, Taylor Swift (died 2016) getting replaced etcetera etcetera. The list goes on and this is probably what the Illuminati tried to do to Macy who we can infer was probably H6 Writer in 1400 BC. Since the Illuminati was in it’s infancy, they tried to create a clone of H6 Writer but failed and accidentally made her immortal. She was most likely made to work for the Illuminati & work on it’s projects for eternity until 1761 when she suddenly reappeared as an artist. She presumably lied saying she was born in 1744 and because she was actually born in 1400 BC & was working for the illuminati there wasn’t much known about her life as it says on the wikipedia page. Then, she “died” in 1820. Either she was only immortal to old age and she was murdered by the Illuminati for escaping them or she was forced back into working for the Illuminati. We will never know what truly happened to the immortal person who wrotre Hurrian Hymn Number 6.
april fools


The rain’s really nice in Messybedland.


i was on roblox life in paradise preaching the gospel (hurrian hymn no. 6) and then this roblox user “CheeseLoverDoom” came on. I didn’t think much of him, just another exploiter or someone who bought an admin gamepass based on the commands. Later I talked to him a bit and we had some banter but then I was driving around town. CheeseLoverDoom was screaming about how his dad was beating him, how his back was bleeding and I gave him a bunch of suggestions: child protective services, the police, a friend who will call the police and telling teachers who will call police and/or cps. eventually he goes “i’m going to call the police” and then he hears his dad coming. he says some last goodbyes in the chat and leaves. he went offline. quite concerned tbh.


Hope he’s okay.