Added tiered overheating:
200+ temp = 1 HP damage per .2 secs
300+ temp = additional 1 HP damage per .1 sec & drains EN
Added tiered overheating:
200+ temp = 1 HP damage per .2 secs
300+ temp = additional 1 HP damage per .1 sec & drains EN
(I hate the 4mb file limit)
Time to make 10 variations of this weapon to fill different niches!
Also, you’ve probably noticed that weapons don’t have range in the traditional sense. Bullets will travel indefinitely until they hit something, but all the weapons have an ideal range that going beyond makes the accuracy fall off a cliff. (only exception being that snipers are always 100% accurate, they never waver from their path.)
first shotgun variant:
less spread
faster pellets
longer reload
Oh yea and new reticle
Ok, if you want to still do this here’s what each part needs:
weapons are the easiest, they only have 2 stats: Weight and EN Load (you will have to describe how you want the weapon to work though)
heads have HP, SH DEF, EN DEF, Stability, Cooling, EN Load, and Weight
chassis have HP, SH DEF, EN DEF, Cooling, EN Load, and Weight
legs have HP, SH DEF, EN DEF, Stability, Cooling, EN Load, Weight Capacity, and Weight
generators have EN Capacity, EN Supply (how fast it recharges), Heat Generation, and Weight
radiators have Cooling, EN Load, and Weight
and boosters have Boost Power, Boost EN Use, Boost Heat Generation, Weight, and EN Load
Heavy Heater
EN capacity: 45000
EN supply: 440
heat gen: uhhh what unit of measurement do you use mind if I ask? (this one does a lot tho)
weight: same here
these stats are about 200 times higher than any other generator in the game…
EN Supply is alright though
oh ok, they can be balanced and readjusted/totally changed and nerfed. My intention was to create the strongest generator heat by far
Heat isn’t a good thing btw, getting strong KUJAKU vibes from this.
a generator that makes an insane amount of heat but also an insane amount of energy
That’s basically KUJAKU then. High output, heavy, and runs super hot. Since heat was so overcorrected in AC Nexus KUJAKU was an absolute meme, but In ACLR it’s more useable.
Definitely will work on adding that though.
will there be war crimes in the story
i was right, yay!!!
what if the guy was drinking tea while watching the carnage unfold in front of him. The sky’d be dark orange, black clouds, smog and burning everywhere, the fires of earth or whatever planet its happening on. The dude who did it is just casually staring out the window, looking at what he’s done while silently sipping tea.
This is gonna get taken out of context, isn’t it.
don’t jinx it
PMG-105: fires rapid fire plasma shots, drains EN super fast
SG-TORRENT: rapid fire shotgun, shoots 4 pellets every .5 seconds
BSR-100: burst sniper rifle, fires in bursts of 2
Doing boring bugfixing work instead of adding cool new stuff.
Thinking of adding new stats to both leg parts and boosters to balance movement:
Legs get Horizontal/Vertical Boost Adjustment
Boosters get Boost Acceleration
This will make grounded horizontal movement less twitchy, and nerf aerial speed.