Plymouth Entertainment - SOL [GHOST GUNNER - OUT NOW!]

Oh jeeze - I can’t even think how big the story is!

You seem to specialize very well with open world and immersion in them (I think you even mentioned a subway/train system?), whereas I head more toward linear, though with immersion, not as much as that you can flush a toilet or push over a random table lol

Though Sol has side missions, there’s only three main ones right now. Though, during development and post release, I may add more…

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lol your game is going to be infinitely better than mine

I mean come on
flushing a toilet? HAKK3R 2 doesn’t stand a chance XD

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I was referring to yours XD

But now that you mention it…
toilet intensifies

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lol we must have

t o i l e t

I mean in HAKK3R 2 you can punt-kick a mouse if you walk into it at the right time


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Well, you just cannot beat that. Punt kick.

… A mouse.

But there will now be definitely a toilet Easter Egg XD

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Hello everyone! So I’ve been thinking of something: an arcade mode. This would be a completely different style compared to the main game, with upgrades, skins, awards, etc.

Does this fit with the game, or not? Let me know!

  • It’ll fit, I’ll take it!
  • It won’t fit, I don’t want it.
  • It won’t fit completely, but I’ll still take it!

0 voters

Thank you!


I don’t know a lot about sol yet, but an arcade mode sounds fun. from what you’ve on this post, Sol is a linear steampunk themed platformer with combat, side quests, and quite a bit of lore, so i think that an arcade mode would work well if the combat is fun and you can integrate the mode somehow into the game’s world without breaking the immersion.

if you do end up adding that, good luck!

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Thanks for the response @F3Art ! I’m planning to make it fit in lore-wise if it does get integrated.


ironic. today I just got a new actually good running laptop
of course ill still keep my rat cromebook around but still

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XD yeah, well, that just means you’ll be able to have peak visuals:D

Particles galore


So… I had some “extra” time, and I remade the running animation. I might add a few more frames here and there, but so far… A lot smoother!

Sol Run GIF

  • elastic legs
  • more balanced colors
  • more flow
  • more energy
  • smoother edges

Here’s the idle if you forgot:
Sol Idle

And here’s the original running animation:
Sol Run Animation gif (tripping over himself a little, lol)

Total of 8 frames for the new one (10 for the old one)… You can imagine it took a while to rig and color each frame XD hope you guys enjoy!


“They say; only the strongest survive.”


pixil-frame-0 (68) (1)


HAKK3R 2 by @browngr


is it just me or is the new sol run animation higher resolution?


The new animation does have more pixels, yes.

The older one got larger pixels due to a resizing issue in Piskel which messes with the pixel sizes.


the animation itself looks really nice too btw


Thanks man, really appreciate it!

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Hello, everyone!

We all know I want Sol to be the absolute best game I’ve made so far. So… What’s the catch? Well, it’ll take a little bit more time. Before, my “flowgramming” was a bit sloppy, and just didn’t work completely. But ever since I found a few examples (thanks @PixelPizza !), I’ve seen both my organization and skills needed to be upped. So, I’m redoing them in a better form. It won’t take too long to redo the base coding since now I can see what I need to do, but there’s no certain way to tell how long all of the base mechanics will take while me being busy.

Right now, I’m implementing a double jump, sprint, and wall climb - 2/3 of these Pizza thankfully made an example of. And seeing how it looks in the examples, the game will be a lot smoother.

And if you could not already tell, this all goes to Pizza, because a lot of things probably wouldn’t be possible right now if it wasn’t for his community-lovin’ heart!
adds to credits :slight_smile:


I’m so glad my examples are helpful! :blush:
Looking forward to seeing the results.



This may seem sudden, but… There’s about a 50/50 chance I’ll be moving into Unity for the development of Sol. This is mainly because they have been implementing the visual coding software - Bolt. I’m thinking about this since there’s a chance I’ll get a better PC, and would be able to run software like Unity. Just take note: this is just a possibility.

If I do move over to Unity, however, I’ll still keep you guys posted on art updates, animations, music, etc. And will most likely still develop (much smaller) test games on Flowlab.

Just know it’s a possibility. I’ll keep you guys notified if any changes occur:) but for now, I’m doing my best with making Sol on Flowlab!



This thread was created in September… Under four months ago… And the Sol thread is currently sitting at 300 comments, 2.1k views, and 467 likes on the thread! Our top post being up with 9 likes - the latest Mind Clock adaptation!

Thank you everyone for sticking on so far! We’re currently working really hard on solving problems to give you the best experience possible!