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It sounds like you’re changing the snake’s position with Position.

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yeah what else would i do?

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You can

  1. Use velocity, but you already have the snake movement how you want so you probably don’t want this.
  2. Check the X position of the snake so it stops moving at the border
  3. Set it to moveable so it doesn’t get stuck in the wall (might slightly move the snake up or down when it goes against a wall, depending on how much you’re moving it)

The movement is the same on mobile right?


yes its the same on mobile but there is no problems with the movement regardless. Is there some bug you encountered

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Isn’t the bug the player going outside the walls?

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no i fix this a while ago i just added a border above and below the original


Oh ok, wasn’t sure if it was still an issue


I update the generation so it spawns objects against the walls so you can no longer ride the walls any more

I am getting a bit worried. My game doesn’t have mechanics yet only animations like 5 of them or 6 :confused:

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Ayo does anyone know how to make it to where if your mouse clicks on the left of the screen a punch to the left occurs and if its hit right than a right punch occurs?

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Yes, you get the position of your mouse, and then have filters on whether its x value is positive or negative, positive = emit right? negative=emit left


You would check Mouse Position whenever the screen is clicked.
If Mouse Position > Screen Width/2 = Punch Right
If Mouse Position < Screen Width/2 = Punch Left


I don’t understand both of those ways :confused:
I am more of a visual learner.

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We both said the same thing, except that Mouse Position being negative is not actually a way to detect if it’s on the left or right side of the screen.

The top left of the screen is (0, 0), so the only situation that looking if it’s negative or positive will work is if the screen is 50% to the left of the starting area.


oh yeah, sorry, to clarify, I was thinking about also getting the position of the player and subtracting the x coordinate of the mouse and checking if its positive or negative or something??


but I guess your way is simpler, huh, you learn something new everyday


When do I put my entree?

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Alright guys im working on the shop now

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YES! I BEAT MY RECORD! Its now 2900 and it was originally 2300

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I know i have skill because i made it harder after making rocks spawn at the edges so you cant ride the edge until theres a large rock