Post-FlowJam BOOSTER Giveaway (FREE Indie)

Yessir!!! This information is really epic!! Thank you!

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my game so far (:
a zombie

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Really epic yours is 10x better than my game (I haven’t started it yet) good job!!! :+1::+1::+1:

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hold on, if u havent started, that means its 0, so then, 0 times 10 is still 0, so mine is 0 times better than yours and since you haven’t started, that means mine is the equivalent of not starting :exploding_head:
Just kidding, I know what you mean, thanks! I’m trying to fuse together many different styles of games together into ONE

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I got a block down that’s a start lol.


wow, thats a beautiful block

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Don’t tell her I deleted the block already.

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sorry for going off topic:
But someone should actually make a game using these random blocks

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I will take that idea into consideration of making into a thing.

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Are you participating in the Jam

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Production of my game is getting started right now. This means now’s the time I put all effort and focus into a project because I am bored and have a great idea.

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you still doing 3d imaging?

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No, because it’s too hard to master in less than 2 weeks and I don’t have a concept idea for when/if I got it to work in 3D. Right now, I am doing top/bottom camera movement as a simpler project to submit. After the Flowjam I will try to get that skill of 3D imaging and make my own twist to it. Kinda disappointed to be honest it would have been really epic if I could, but I know it’s going to take to long for me to reproduce even with help and even after I have to make my own sprites and animations which would take longer since I am trying really hard to draw decent images by myself to be better at it, still it’s been fun playing around with the top and bottom camera and I am excited to finish the project and see the best of it, but not promises on how good it’s going to come out.

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So far, no mistakes thankfully everything is going smooth!

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Is it going to be a survival game? Im 90% sure it is


Wizard!!! Hooooow!!! :000000000

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I am using all my knowledge for this game. So far, my sprite drawings are looking good!

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Completely forgor (:skull:) about this but now I remember.

so I’m going to start brainstorming for the next 4 days. My goal is to make a full game over this weekend :slight_smile:


Hmmmm, is there a possibility its a survival game where either you hunger bar goes down FAST, and you gotta kill everything to get it up, or zombies hunt you in the night and you have to defend OR BOTH