The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

do you play as one of the subjects?

Depending on the game.

For Refraction, Yes and no. I can’t exactly say much on it since the lore will eventually explain a lot of it.

For the Site: 012 Incident you are just a basic intern, but you interact with objects that are classified as subjects and you technically become a variable.

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I am very curious to see what you have done with refraction. could you post the link so I don’t have to scroll up for 5 years?

The game is technically closed to the public at the moment, but I can send you a DM of the link.

cool! could I be a beta tester?

Since you’re the only person to ask, might as well.
I do need very descriptive feedback on the game and how to improve it. Basically, what you think the game needs to be more enjoyable.

I’m usually kinda bad at giving feedback on here but I’m getting better at being more specific. I just don’t want to sound rude.

Hey can I beta test too?

Go for it, I need any criticism I can get. The game is still being worked on so not everything is final.

Usually when giving feedback you list some things that you enjoyed about the game and also list some things you either disliked or think should be improved. That way the developer knows to continue working on the good things while improving the bad. Usually if a developer hears only bad things about their game and only what needs to be corrected, they can either replace the good mechanics or just think their game is garbage. Which I handle criticism pretty well, but this is advice if you review any other game on here. I’ve seen some users not handle criticism very well and some have definitely improved from it. Usually, criticism and feedback are how you learn as a developer and equally important to share it as well.

should I add cloud to the dm?

I went ahead and added you to the DM.




how do we even open this door?
Screenshot 2025-01-16 10.50.34 AM
also, why am I out of the map???
Screenshot 2025-01-16 10.55.44 AM

I’m stuck on the boss.

Stuff like this, post on the dm.

Yellow door doesn’t have a key yet and one of the levels isn’t finished yet so you can go out of the map.

There are also hidden sections that go out of the map, but there are invisible walls so you can’t technically leave.


oh, ok, sorry. I just didn’t want it to seem like I was spamming. I’m also a little worried, because its the last day of first semester for me.

I’m planning on adding another feature to the game, mostly items and possibly other abilities. There used to be a charge up ability where you would figure your entire magazine in one shot, however, now that there is no mag size or cooldown anymore for shooting, this is no longer needed.

I only have the basic attack and dash at the moment, but I want to either add items that give custom abilities or have items that upgrade your abilities.
Plus, I may have cursed items which will unlock secrets or give powerful buffs but also curse and punish the player.

By adding an item system, I also plan to have an inventory system. CodeAlpaca helped me make a simple one for the Site: 012 Incident, but I planned to eventually figure out lists and make a custom one for this game.


am I still allowed to playtest?

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Yeah, you’re on the private message, however these are currently just concepts, I haven’t added any new content yet.


I can’t believe this game is still being made! This is really great. Keep it up!