The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

No,I mean that you have lots of lore thats imposible for a human to find.


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Off topic but Yoann is rlly good with scares y know

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I have lore that is yet to be added so it’s impossible for someone to find out now until I actually present it to the public.


Like jumps area and the overall scariness of a game? I might end up having to hit him up for advice cause I’m not exactly the greatest at doing so.

The only fear in the game currently would be dying and have to restart, lol.


The Retro TV filter makes it scarier.


Will the next game be as “chunky” as The Heuchler? Because I am unable to play it on my computer. Maybe the wall objects could have their ray casts delayed depending on the distance from the player’s starting position, that way you don’t have 6000 ray casts being shot out at once. Probably wouldn’t help very much, and if it did it would just cause the game to have lower performance for a while until it was all done loading in, but it would be better than the game not loading at all.

Edit: Nvm, my computer was just really bad rn, I restarted it and the game works fine (still not the best, but I didn’t notice much of a difference when I turned the ray casts off)


That’s why I plan to make the walls their own separate object instead of adding ray casts to them to hopefully decrease some lag and low frames.
I would say it’s on the verge of being a chunky game since my computer can barely run it, but it doesn’t work on my iPad.

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I’ve been quite busy over the weekend with events so I wasn’t able to work on the facility as much as I wanted to.

The only thing I was able to do was give a chair some rolling physics on a top down game since there isn’t any natural gravity to slow any objects as they are being pushed from the player. So I added some eases to slow down the velocity once the player leaves within proximity of it. It’s still a bit slidey, but it does the job.

Anyway I will close the game in about 30 minutes to start reworking the doors. Since I’m gonna make them much larger, the demo won’t work since the doors won’t be the same size to fit the smaller art style. I wanted to do this a few days ago, but I didn’t have time until now. And I know that no one is really awake at this time, but I’ll go ahead and ping you.


@Ramshackle @chrisdakiller @Qwen @John_Shrekinson @CodeAlpaca @DeadlyGumChewer @DWGAMEMASTER


The game is now closed. I also started working on the doors. So far the Horizontal door is somewhat finished. There’s some minor bugs I need to work out, but it works.

I still need to work on the verticals door. Apparently I had two different versions. A locked door, and a normal one. The locked door wasn’t even in the demo and basically is just a space waster.


I had an interesting idea.

I want the game to be kind of unique and I thought of a feature that could make my game apart from SCP.

I know SCP has a clockwork machine that transforms items into different ones depending on what ratio you have set on the knob, but what if I had some sort of machine that’s classified as a subject that can permanent delete entities from all exist, but also create them from any organic matter. Such as using it on a person will cause them to gain anomalous affects and powers.

I could add this machine deep into the facility and it can only be accessed by level 5 or higher personnel (really difficult to get) and you can (possibly) use it to destroy certain entities or become one yourself.

I’m not entirely sure on the destroying part, I might end up making it so it only destroys creations that it makes instead of just any entity or else it would be a very simple way of terminating harmful entities within the facility that is quite a threat, but I’ll work out the details if this becomes a Subject.

Not sure what it would be called or what all it could do, but basically there is a part of the game you can become a super powerful entity and go about the facility killing anything you like and maybe going through walls. I could even have it give you a different power each time you use it, but you can only use it once per game.

Like I said this is just an idea, but what do you think?


Really interesting idea. The lore is ever expanding…


Throwback to Security Breach


Well, the security levels was first from SCP, since it only went up to 5 levels then an Omni card which was a universal security card.

Although there are many things to this game I have yet to work out. I want it to original be 10 levels of security such as 10 being the overseers of the foundation 9 being most trusted agents and so on down the list. But I’m only gonna have 5 levels for the game for the sake of having limited objects.


So you’ll do that but not,

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That eating one seems to OP. maybe let it eat small entities?

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I mean, it has some resemblance. But like I said above. I might nerf the idea of it deleting entities and make it only delete entities that it makes. Because if it did delete any entity it wanted to, it would be rather OP and I would have to redo most of the documents saying everything can technically be killed when in reality they really can’t.

So it’s gonna be a machine that can create and destroy entities of it’s own creation when a user interacts with it.

I might make this entity Subject: 010, since Subject: 008 is now gonna be the Heart of a Dying Star. An entity I came up with a long time ago on a facility themed Minecraft map I was making.

I tought 011 was blood knight…

maybe It can stun them?

I don’t have any plans for Subject: 011. Plus these are just numbers to label entities by instead of calling them fully by their name. You can just refer to them as 011 or 009 or something.

Also I still haven’t even worked on any documents recently, I’ve had ideas such as Subject: 008 and possibly 010, but I still haven’t done anything with them since I’ve been working on a basic outline for the game currently.

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