The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

It might end up doing that. In a short story I wrote, gunshots were able to stun Subject: 009 since the loud noises were quite startling, but they really don’t have much affect.
But I think I might use weapons for other NPCs. I thought of adding prisoners that were on death row and voluntarily were shipped to Site: 012 to engage in experiments and overall help humanity learn if these anomalies secrets. Plus they also get credited for their sacrifices so I guess it’s kind of better than just dying in a prison.
So they break out during the breach and will try to harm you since you play as a scientist so you can have a weapon to defend against them. Although this is unsure since this could add a lot of different features.

I also wanted guards to follow you around since they are helpful towards fellow personnel and will take a bullet from a roque prisoner (which some may have weapons of their own) for you. But I’m not exactly sure how this would all work or what I’ll end up doing for this since AI isn’t easy to really implement.

But I might add more uses for weapons instead of worrying about Subjects, since it wouldn’t do anything to most of them anyway.

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When I was younger i thought of this guy called cheif,hes a gaurd that saves you at the end of the demo,and is a sorta companion for you.

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If I do add some sort of system for NPCs, I don’t think they would have names or anything.
Also I would only make them follow you around for so long before eventually departing or running off after another loose entity.

This feature would most likely add more ambience and realism in the facility, but it’s gonna have a lot more lonely feeling so it’s mostly just you, a few bodies, and entities. So finding prisoners or guards would be quite rare.

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At some point, I want to design each room and hallway into a bunch of sections and maybe have an autogeneration system for each map. Which this was going to be a most likely feature, but it would take a ton of coding and hours of debugging it so it doesn’t multiply sections and sections that you need to actually beat the game can be accessible. I have an idea for it, but I’m not entirely sure if it would crash the game or take way to long to load in.

I was working on my game yesterday on my iPad and because of a glitch or bug it removed all animations from the game. I refreshed the page and hoped that it didn’t save the animations as being missing like it did on an older game. After I just checked today they are all still there so I know now not to work on my games through my iPad until grazer fixes it or something.

Anyway I’m gonna start working on ambience items such as desks, cleaning carts, etc. I already have a bunch in the game, but I’m just gonna retexture them to fit the art style.

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Well then @ManiacPumpkin ,then i quess you can use this :grinning:

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I appreciate your help and it does look pretty good. But I’m not for sure what exactly I plan to do for the character yet. I was gonna use the art style I made for The Huechler, which would be easy since I already have a basic scientist and guards made up, but I might even end up changing it.

Also I might have to adjust and decorate the lab coat with pockets or something.

I even had the idea of making the main character some sort of intern or data analysts since the main character is gonna start in a room with a desk and computer instead of actually being a scientist. Since scientists would naturally have keycards to get into high ranking places so it would only make sense if you were low on the ladder.

I’ve just been working on retexturing art on the atmosphere and I haven’t gotten to NPCs and characters yet.

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He’s not bald. If your talking about the random scientists in The Heuchler, they’re bald, but the main character you call “Danylo” isn’t.

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Whew,thats a releif.

I have an idea:
There should be a breathing mechanic where it could make noise and enemies can hear you breath, but when you stop breathing the noise is down and you can’t be heard by enemies, but the downside is that your oxygen goes down when you stop breathing


That is actually a pretty good idea.

I already had some sort of breathing mechanic, but it was only for hallways that had gas leaks and you had to hold your breath when passing by.
I could have the music turn up when near an entity and you can hold your breath for the entity to not notice you easily, until it passes by or you’re in its line of sight. I could even add a stealth bar to my indicate if you’re hidden as well.

I’ll actually consider this idea since I think it would work rather well and gives the game a little bit more difficulty.


Here you go!

Here you go!The first two frames is when youre breathing,the third is when your not.


I was thinking of having some sort of noise meter or something. Which would be pretty hard to code up on flowlab, but I’m sure I could probably do it.


Getting some heavy progress done on the game. I got the cleaning cart, verticals doors, bench, and a basic desk design.

I didn’t realize it, but after looking through the library, I had 4 separate desk objects. Which I’m not complaining cause that will help a lot for extra objects. I plan to give the desks animations to randomly assign stuff on the surface so every room doesn’t seem like the same.

That’s about all. I’ll most likely release an official update post with pings later since this is mainly just a minor art sketch.


I’ve been working on the game for a bit and I wanted to take a break from actual ambience setting and start to work on items and the player. Most of the heavy code such as health, a possible noice meter for breathing, and other stuff will probably be delayed until I eventually feel like doing it, lol.

So I wanted to get an inventory of some sort done and I have a pretty good idea of what I could do for it. But now I need items. I want to have the items premade before I make the inventory cause the way I have it would be much easier to go ahead and add all of the items beforehand instead of constantly adding on to it.

Some items I had in mind would be:
Key cards (5 different levels)
Healing items (Light and heavy med kits)
Gas Mask
Nuclear launch key (for one of the endings)
Junk metal (Like screws, paper clips and other stuff, but all takes the form as just one item, used for Subject: 007 as a trade in for better stuff)

I didn’t realize it until now, but Subject: 007 is basically the Scepter Foundation rip-off of SCP-914 from the SCP game, for those who know what that is.

Possible items would be weapons and some entity items like Subject: 006, the Century Glass (Might not be this one since it wouldn’t help much in the game). I’m unsure of adding these mainly due to the fact I am limited on objects (Which I still have a ton, but I want to make sure I have enough for the game) and I don’t know what items/weapons these would be and what actual use they would have. I’m not too concern on adding these in right away since I could always add a massive update later on to add more items and have more variety, but so far (With the current entity list) weapons won’t actually do anything and entity items would just have huge affects or uses, but I’m not quite sure what exactly yet.

So I’m basically posting this to ask if anyone has any ideas for a possible item in the game. Since most of them are mostly just keys or junk to get keys. The only actual consumable item would be the medkits. So if anyone has any idea of what sort of item that you would think would have some sort of role in the story, or just a useful tool, then please let me know. All the more feedback the better.


@Ramshackle @chrisdakiller @Qwen @John_Shrekinson @CodeAlpaca @DeadlyGumChewer @DWGAMEMASTER


I also forgot about a flashlight, but I’m not for sure if it would even have much of a use since once the power does go out about halfway through the game or when you progress to a certain point, the back generators come on with a red dim light. But I could add this either for ascetics or I could find a use for it.


What if theres areas where if go to one area yu cant go to the other until l8tr in game?


That’s the point of the keycard system. You start with an intern card which is basically level 0 and not even mentioned in the game. But you find other keycards to unlock areas to find even higher keycards to unlock even more areas.

If I plan it right, you can technically get the level 5 keycard without having to a advance throughout the entire game for speed running purposes, but I’m not sure yet.

The level five will be the hardest to get and you can still beat the game without it since you only need a level 4 to escape through the maintenance tunnels (concept) but the level 5 accesses secret areas and the nuke room. Only if you have the nuclear key to activate the warhead.

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Welp,i tryed making a portal,I ended up with a grappler.