The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

I’m reusing the entire old game so I guess you can say that I’m using the old sprites as a base.


Also please don’t spam ping a ton of people. The only reason I did so in an announcement was because I asked them first if they wanted to be pinged. I’m sure many other people have a lot more important stuff than to get a ton of notifications.

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Anyway, I’m not gonna say this is much of an announcement, but I was going to work on download some of the original art work and making a full video over the demo of The Facility, but I got sidetracked working on my old Tower Defense game since it got corrupted a while back and deleted most of the animations and some of the art. After an hour of redrawing everything, I almost got the game back to where it was, except for the first towers 2nd and 3rd upgrade, which shouldn’t take long.

I probably won’t get much done until later tomorrow since I kind of blew the day by working on another project, but oh well.

Since I’m here, I might as well give more information on the new Facility game.

I will be changing the name entirely. The Facility is a very generic name and doesn’t make the game stand out much, so I do want to change it to something more unique. Although I’m not sure yet. Maybe Site: 012? But there’s already a few indie games with the title of Site followed by some numbers so it might not be that.

I want to have a complete inventory system of up to 6 items and a saving function with three or five save slots. Although this will be complicated and might not be carried out since I’ve attempted many inventory systems before and I have yet to come up with one that for the needs. I’m looking for something that can pick up a variety of objects such as key cards, trash (junk screws, etc…, used for Subject: 007), Subject items (Like Subject: 006, the century glass, or something), maybe weapons, and some other items that might be used for the story or something. I want to make an inventory system that can pick up, display, and drop items by the players choice. I will have a feature to automatically update the key card when you find a better one so you don’t have to worry about filling your inventory up with cards.

Once the game is finished and I have indie, I might add a crafting feature where you find random parts or scrap office machinery to make custom handheld weapons, pick pocket kits, or door hacking modules. This is merely and idea and most likely won’t be added to the game, but it would help expand the idea various items and such.

I realized the weapons will be quite useless against most, if not; all, of the subjects since most of them don’t take damage or can’t die. The only one that I know would be affected by a gun would be Subject: 002, the Starving Mass. since it’s made up of flesh.

I do plan on adding a variety of the entities I’ve listed. Although some won’t be in the game such as Subject: 003, The Titanius, and a few others because they can’t be contained, but I could add documents explaining them or something.

Anyway, thats enough of a few info dump. Most if this is just variable and could change depending on how the game develops, but this is mostly what I’ll be working for in the game.


This is kind of a small update. I started working on some of the wall art for The Facility, so its not the blue layout anymore. I used a similar art style as The Huechler and I just stole the floor sprite from it to match the walls. Although the walls don’t have any colored pattern on it yet since I’m not entirely sure what I’m gonna be doing for that yet. I might make it yellow since its the average color of a cautious area, but it all depends.

I want to keep the walls from having much code since its gonna be a majority of the game, but I also don’t want to have 40+ objects just as the walls so I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do. Like I said before I might make the intersection walls be coded with raycasting to determine the art style since its all the same size and would definitely save on some objects.

This update is also a reminder for those who want to get one last play in on The Facility before I close it from the public. I mean, there isn’t much gameplay so you technically play it once you already know whats going on.
I also reused some useless sprites and turn then into the new wall layouts, and I forgot there was a few of these in the Demo level so the game probably wasn’t playable yesterday, but some of the wall layouts were non-solid so idk if it was playable or not. Anyway I fixed that this morning so if you got ripped off on gameplay yesterday, it should be fixed now. (The games are posted on the original post up above if you need the link.)

Sometime later today I’ll record a full video of the current demo and maybe post it on youtube. Then I’ll close the game shortly after, which I’ll ping everyone about 10 minutes before I do so. Of course (those who like to “data mine” the game) you can technically still play the game if you play it through the editor, but I’m going to go ahead and say that over time its going to slowly get corrupted as some objects and sprite change into different ones, some objects get removed (just from the level), and some objects will lose their functions so the demo will start to collapse. I’ll be working on the doors pretty soon so they might end up breaking on the demo and I’ll start turning the walls into random objects since I already have preset walls made with just leftover sprites.


@Ramshackle @chrisdakiller @Qwen @John_Shrekinson @CodeAlpaca @DeadlyGumChewer @DWGAMEMASTER


you put as much effort into this update post as i do into most essays lol


I just type a lot so I get carried away quite frequently, lol.


Just a reminder for all of those who want to get on more play in. Not that it matters much since it’s only a minute of gameplay.

I just finished getting a final recording of the current gameplay to compare with the updated result. I will close the game officially sometime tomorrow. I know it’s a bit late, since I was planning on closing it tonight, but there’s no use closing if it I’m not gonna work on a sprite that will greatly damage the current demo.

Like I said before, the game is still technically accessible if you play it through the editor, but I highly suggest you don’t since the game will undergo a ton of changes and the demo will be replaced overtime. So it’ll be quite broken for a bit until I completely replace it.

Also I would add the logo and make these updates seem more legit, but I’ve been having issues signing in on my computer so I’ve been using my phone or iPad to do this.


@Ramshackle @chrisdakiller @Qwen @John_Shrekinson @CodeAlpaca @DeadlyGumChewer @DWGAMEMASTER


How will you close the game?


I’ll switch the level over from the play button. So when you press play it takes you to a level saying the game is under construction.

That’s all I could think of, lol.


Those random people going to edit the game to see how it’s going


That’s me pro data miner :slight_smile:

Just found this today.
Glad he finaly added it in!

I know you really want this added, but can you please stop trying so hard to suggest this, if he adds it then he adds it if he doesn’t then that’s his choice.


I know its probaly dose’nt fit…
Know what im bringing this back!!!

And im not giving up on 011!

I would highly suggest you don’t go looking around in the code while the game is being worked on or else things will start to be very broken. Also there’s no point in looking around and telling everyone when I’m gonna keep everyone posted on updates that I do on the game. Hopefully daily.


Also I didn’t add that. Plus the art style isn’t even what it’s going to be.

Also I will start taking entity ideas and concepts, but when I do I’ll have to start making documents for each one so I know it’ll take a bit. Also with the new game being worked on I’ll be pretty busy.

At some point, after the map is done, I’ll start adding enemies and actual gameplay, then I might start working on new entities.


Subject 011-The blood night
Orgin:The suit of armor was first forged of pure blood by vlad the impaler.

Behaivors:011 has controll over all blood-even that in the human bodyit is known for making blood gush right out of peepoles bodys!Whaen inter veiwed it only says a cryptic poem;
In a crismon suit that is only chains,chains sealed by blood red pane,shll these chains breaks the world will be aflame.the vessel.the burden.the word may go into a lot of hurtin.
This causes scientist to think that if it runs out of blood it unleash hell on earth.
because of the poem it is fed the blood from dead personell every month.

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Also,the intro from this;

is too simalar to this;

I think NOT.
I Think YES.

Yeh,i’m the next MatPat over here!
LLlllleeeeEEEEeeettTTTSSssss GGGgggggGGGGOOO00000OOOooooOOO!

The computer terminal example was me just experimenting with some custom dialogue and I just used the same schematic for the intro for The Heuchler. It’s not really apart of the lore or anything, it was just a testing game.

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Hmmm…so you want to be the new scott cawthon…Then so be it im gona’go data mining!

No it has nothing to do with adding lore or anything. It’s just that the game is gonna be very corrupted until it’s finished. I’m taking all of the old sprites and turning them into new objects without deleting and making new ones since I don’t have indie and already surpassed the 50 object count.

So the demo will be very messed up from all of the objects changing into new ones like the walls might be key cards or the doors might be larger than the old walls to fit the new art style.