The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

So inaccurate

The image is wrong, but when you’re dealing with a robot 19,000 ft, a few hundred feet doesn’t make a huge difference.

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Yeah Colosus is massive he vaporized the dinosaurs

It was just a random image I found just to show what a jaeger was so I wasn’t too worried about the correct measurements on it.


The Scepter Foundation Site: 005 Archive™

Name: The Titanius
Entity Number: Subject: 003
Object Class: Global Threat
Clearance Level: Level 5
File by: [Redacted]

Under the Incident titled as Incident: 003-1, it was the first recorded evidence of Subject-003’s existence. It was identified a hundred miles east of [Redacted], Japan.

During Testing with Subject: 006, a Scientist recorded a vision of Subject: 003 being as old as time itself. During the vision, it showed the same scenario when the asteroid struck the Earth 66 million years ago, but it wasn’t an asteroid, but it was shown as Subject: 003 was the entity capable of dissolving the surface of the Earth and causing the extinction of most organic life during the time.

The Titanius or Subject: 003 is a supergiant that appears to be a humanoid droid. The entity itself is measured to be 6-7 kilometers in height, but is inaccurate since Subject: 003 has only been spotted in a large body of water such as the Pacific and has been spotted rarely within the Indian and Atlantic oceans.

The entity features a single red optical that is rectangular in shape and stretched down the upper portion of its face. It has a mouth that is unsure if it is able to open or not due to its size. From what it has been described, Subject: 003 seems to have some sort of intricate power grid that runs the mech for so long. It seems to be the power of some sort of sun or star within. It has a cylindrical hole or chasm within its chest that seems to be some sort of weapon, but it proves too deadly to provoke Subject: 003 into using it. The weapon is powered by the star and can vaporize the surface of Earth up to 10,000 degrees celsius so no organic life would be left.

Most details are left out since not all evidence is recorded and no photographs have been taken of the entity other than a roque sonar scan by a foreign submarine and fisherman who encountered Subject: 003.

No testing has been conducted on the Subject: 003.

No current procedures set for containment.


The document still needs editing, I kind of rushed it just in the last few minutes so I most likely left out some details.


Are you aware that it still says “subject 002 the starving mass” at the top?


Ikr lol

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Fix it dude


I just copied and pasted it, lol. I only had a few minutes to do it since I’m in school right now.


There it should be fixed now, lol.


Do not get banned for this.


Ok sorry i’ll stop


Can you please refrain from spamming on here. Thanks.


Yeah, when I work on the document on a google docs, I have a way different title block that kinda gives all of the information, but when i upload it onto the flowlab forums, I copy and paste the title block from an older post since this version appears better than what i had on the google docs, or at least it shows up better on here.

So this might end up being frequent, but I’ll try not to let it happen, lol.

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A robot from space

A robot that came from space

No it was never stated that he came from space, but he has a weapon that can reenact the meteor that struck earth during the Jurassic period.

I have something to say and a question, what if Titanus is actually not a robot but an organic creature with metal skin, it could happen. But if it is a robot… the question is who built it?


Maybe Titanus is a biomechanical being, much like the Transformers or the Constructs from PUNISHING: Gray Raven.