The Scepter Foundation - Refraction

this real tho?


yeah, markipoo is indeed making an iron lung movie

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yeh but i dont think it would work, i mean like one to two hours of a dude driving a submarine only for the dude to die at the end

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ehh, i know he’ll find a way to make it good, oppenheimer is just people talking in rooms for 3 hours except for 10 minutes of a nuke, yet it’s a very good movie


Could you please stay on topic. It seems you always bring random subjects on this discussion instead of the otc.


Not me.
Also that is a very, very, very, long post lol


Everywhere. He brings them everywhere and it needs to stop. Maybe you could kill off “Jeremy” in the Scepter Foundation lore, so that DWGAMEMASTER feels what all those kids felt after watching Optimus Prime die in The Transformers: The Movie in theaters back in 1986.


wow man thats just evil… (also why was the 1986 one so dark?)

Hasbro didn’t think people cared about the characters that much so they killed almost all of them off on both sides (Autobot and Decepticon) to sell more [and] new toys. It was after the release of this movie and the reception to it that Hasbro realized how much people cared about all these characters, and as a result, they would rarely kill a [major] character ever again (except for the Michael Bay movies, I still miss Jazz, Ironhide, and Ratchet :moyai: :saluting_face:)


michael bay movies… wow, the first michael aft- i mean bay movie was good but beyond that the were not very good

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I love the first three but I agree. Do not go off-topic any further ever again. We can continue this on the Transformers topic.


I don’t want to kill off a character in spite of someone’s actions on the forums. Also, in canon, The Ceramic Skull basically lives through the entire Order conquest and the several hundred years in between before the year of 2500 where Justin Hawk ends up. Again, the future is depicted as an apparition of what is to happen, even though there are many characters and stories only on this era, it did happened at one point in time before the timeline was corrected by Justin and a few other allies.

But the Ceramic Skull isn’t entirely immortal, but he’s basically like a powerful species such as Eldern. Eldern was much more powerful in terms of abilities, but he has the same durability and came from a parallel world unlike the current, making his own body act differently by the new laws of nature. In his old world, he had the feeling of being inferior to other beings, which he kept the same behavior when he came to Earth and was actually afraid of the humans. So when he was captured, he killed many before and during the breach of Site: 012. Since he is super powerful, he just killed anyone with ease, but he doesn’t realize this until he finds out that he is titled a monster.

I mean, if you woke up in another world, surrounded by strange beings who want to lock you and for study, you would probably fight back with hardly any hesitation, even if the fights are too easy in your favor.


idea: a spinnoff where jeremy breaks free and begains doing human activities like sports, gaming, etc


There were be a story I planned to write about most of his existence, but I thought of the idea where he allies with another entity or possibly a human for a short while. Maybe there’s an entity or 10-B living among humans that he ends up finding or something.


Now in terms of gaming or interacting with other humans probably won’t happen until far in the future when the Order invades Earth. After realizing how many creatures already did live among humans, it eventually becomes normal.
But currently, he won’t do sports or anything related and he wouldn’t understand the concept of video games as entertainment.


“Glory to the Order, may it reign till time falls.”


During the story of New Caben where Hawk seeks out the teachings of the Foremakers to learn his keep, there is a Great War going on behind what you know.

The Cabenican Empire, lead by high generals known as the Elites, are currently waging war against the supposed Chaos Empire, actually known as the N’Leganh Empire, which means For Justice in the Eldernus Text, the language of the Foremakers.
Lead by the Foremaker of Chaos, formerly known as the Foremaker of Law.

Hawk isn’t aware of this war during his stay on New Caben and even though Orion, Crystal, and the many other Elites present are aware, they don’t truly know what is going on. Most of the Elites were lies to about the true purpose of the war while some are aware and choose to be loyal under Cabenus.
Cabenus has motions set in place to turn the tides of the war, but who’s favor is it in?

There’s a lot more to the outside of the story than you know.


I missed so much I can’t even tell what’s going on.


Not much has changed for the basic outline of the story, but I’ve been working on some serious concepts for the world beyond what you know. Basically, background events.

I thought of a twist to the series where the entire idea of good versus evil doesn’t apply anymore and it’s basically on how the reader views it.

My love for empires and the Wolfenstein series, that’s the main reason I created a future timeline where the entire world is conquered under one rule. Even the book, 1984 heavily inspired this idea where is theorizes a possible world where its under a supreme dictatorship. I love the concept so much, that it’s been adopted in several parts of my story. At first its mostly subtle references and ideas, but when I plan for the third book and the many short stories of a possible future timeline, its heavily shown.


your sounding alot like a certain german…

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