The Scepter Foundation - Refraction



Yeah, I should think. MP’s sketches are far beyond anything I could do when I was 8 years of age. XD.


nah, i admire his work, just not his art work

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I can make REALLY advanced A.I models if you like. Hope someone sees this.

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I saw it

That’s quite a bit off-topic. I suggest you make your own topic if you want someone to see it rather than bringing it up here for no reason.




I can somewhat agree, my art work isn’t my best skill, but by having a physical representation and description of a character, it helps for me to demonstrate it easier to people who don’t know the characters and so I can refer to their appearance for writing.

Sometimes describing a physical appearance just from words alone can be hard, so I try my best to draw the different characters. My art style isn’t the greatest as I’m somewhat decent at actually sketching the outline, but my shading and detailing definitely needs some work.

My artwork isn’t final until I say so. Most of my work is just concepts to help get the ideas rolling. I’ve had so many concepts for characters and I wish I even did more terrible sketches just to show the progression they have evolved to.

I’m sure many users on here can draw my characters better than I can, but it helps to have something of a reference

Also I hope you’re message doesn’t include my pixel artwork, cause that’s about the best I can currently get, lol.


Also I didn’t realize this until now. But most of the users on here already have some exceptional skill at artwork including drawing and pixel art. It’s kind of amazing to see that from this community as everyone I know in real life can’t draw to save their life or they think of it as a waste of time.

I only wished I practiced more artwork, but I also rarely ever draw so you can’t expect too much.


I’m pretty bored so I’m just gonna work on some of the Eldernicus Alphabet, and I’ll end up giving it another name for it as well.


Here’s another fun sketch I did. This one only took me around 3 hours or so.

This is the Premaker of Mind. Since there were originally six other Foremakers of standard emotions, when all of them combined into a single being it became this guy. Which was later killed off by another Premaker in an attempt to form the Eldernicus Prime.

I wanted to do something to help display the different emotions this guy had for each side so I made his head a rotating hollowed cylinder, whatever shape that’s called, where a different face is presented on each segment.
Since he has 6 different emotions, he also has 6 entirely different personalities that constantly conflict with one another. Also giving him the ability to temporarily disconnect the emotions. So his head is made up of 6 similar plates that can be detached to form a separate Foremaker for a short time. So when in combat, you’re fighting up to 6 of the same dude, but he has different personalities. You can see Anger starting to form his own body right as he detached, although I couldn’t draw it correctly to make it seem that way, but oh well.

Also this was a pretty good sketch to help practice drawing hands and I think I did decent enough, much better than what I though I could do. This is simply a concept, but I do love this idea very much so it may end up being permanently. What do you all think?


And here is a simple sheet I drew up for the alphabet. I may have to remake some of the letters as they might be too similar to existing letters in foreign alphabets that I wasn’t paying much attention to. Hopefully it’s unique enough. I was also playing around with different sentence structure ideas, to make if different than standard English. So far so good.


I wanted to draw Crystal to get some practice on drawing female characters, but I had this idea for a while so I didn’t want to forget it. The best I can currently do is just strange four arm entities. Hopefully I can get better.


nah, your pixel art is awsome!

I would like to know what you don’t like about me drawing? I’m always interesting in feedback. Cause I can’t get any better if I don’t know what to improve.

you are great at drawing. I might just recommend better shading. It’s too easy to see the lines

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Yeah, shading is something I’m still trying to work on. Sadly I only have half a set of graphite pencils so there’s a huge gap between the different gradients I have to work with, lol.

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it doesnt have any art style to it, it looks flat, generic, part of being a artist is finding your style, you have yet to do that, i recemend expeirementing with different mediums, maybe try cell shading, etc

Even though I have many pencils, I like to stick to a 4B and that’s it.


I think you use too many generic geometrical shapes. Try different shapes and go crazy!