Top-of-the-line reviews! (The Crigence Critique)

Thanks for the review! I don’t think you were quite harsh enough, but thanks i guess for being nice lol

At this point in development the game deserves a 1.3/10, and were still working out a lot of problems and bugs. And I still don’t think that I should’ve turned it in later. The whole point was to get ideas and to be aware of what were doing wrong!

P.s. The credits took me about 2 seconds and I was about to delete it anyway sooo…


@Crigence i tried to do this before the review, but i guess i was too late. you can leave the house where shirley lives now.

and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but i use that gradient (or a gradient) in basically every game i make now. message me if you want to get that specific one.

thanks for the review. next thing on my personal to-do list for the game is quests, addressing the lack of direction.

btw idk if anyone knows this but there’s kind of an unfinished weapon you can use if you press r. (it currently only works on the infected with a black shirt) also you need to hold down left click to use it.


That’s the opposite of what i was expecting you to respond with! Also now that you mention it, i was planning to give the game a 2.5 but i bumped it up to a 3 so not to discourage you or anything

I figured there was something missing :confused:

Also don’t worry, i recreated the gradient by myself. You can see how it looks in Bounce Jam

Lastly, good luck with the game. As i said, it still has plenty of potential!

Especially now that rcreger is joining the team! @Crigence @F3Art


what are you talking about @Ramshacklegamestudios?

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Need feedback on



I had to quit the game early because 1) I was walking around doing nothing in a big field for about 5 minutes and 2) I was afraid that i was racking up too many negative notes. Despite this, i will admit, this game DOES have a surreal feel to it and that IS a rather unique strength!

+I literally just started the game and already this is surreal as hell – The lack of music, the “walking” sound, the game just throwing you in, it’s all makes me feel like i’m in a lucid dream
+The use of physics objects (Objects the player can push) is certainly unique by Flowlab standards

-There’s no sound-effects and no music
-Invincibility frames would be nice
-Looking at this game from the surface, what does it even have to do with wizards?
-I had to use the editor to even access the title screen and thusly the game :confused:
-Bare bones tutorial
-Some animations to make the game feel less dead would be nice
-The end portals are un-nessacarily hard to enter
-“Press shift to sheild” Ignoring the grammar, this pop up appears for (And i timed it) 1 SECOND, and the *shield itself is just poorly executed overall
-If those grey things with the barrels are turrets, than they need to be fired for their aim. Speaking of fire; It will randomly appear out of thin air if you look close enough
mediocre main menu

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 1.5 (Leave a lot to be desired)
:speaker:Sound - 1.5 (There’s about 3 sound effects in the whole game)
:joystick:Controls - 3 (Meh)
:anger:Difficulty - 1.5 (You have to go out of your way to die)
:gear:Stability - 2.5 (I don’t even know anymore…)

Final Score: 2/5
The game in its current state is unimpressive, to say the least. But i’d be lying if i said the game didn’t have any legs to stand on! Keep working on it edward, and it could be worthy of a 4 someday

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I’ll get to it today, thanks for the submission!

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@Crigence It’s been a week or so since you reviewed my game, but thank you a lot! (Reminds me of the “old days” lol) I completely agree, more content needs to be added!

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got a demo of a level maker im making. how is it?

There is currently no music or sound effects on my game. This is because I have a free account and/ or do not understand the process of adding them.
Also, when can I expect your review to be conducted?

I’m going to have to reduct points for it regardless, no sound is still no sound

Also i have a bit on my plate but i’ll try to get it done either today or tomorrow



The games full-thruster arcade style is both its biggest strength and weakness. On one hand, you got good graphics with plenty of potential for good music. But on the other hand, you got horrible controls with 2-4 of the classes being absolutely useless. I think some stuff may need to be sent back to 1995, to be honest

+The main menu reminds me of arcade menus. That’s not going to stop me from calling it lazy, though
+Honestly clicking the screen to progress the text feels like flipping a page in a book and i like it
+Different classes? NOW you have my attention!
+I can forgive the obviously patterned background due to how detailed the sprites are!
+Enemies scale up with you making it so you can NEVER let your guard down
+The highscore meter is a nice touch
+The enemies certainly give you a run for your moon dollars

-main menu lazy
-“Click space to continue” instructions unclear, drifting through space with mouse
-Ok enough joke criticisms, “It was more than epic, it was legendary” is just lazy writing.
-“Speed” and “Agility” are 2 different classes? You realize those are synonyms right?
-Every-time you die, you get booted back to the menu. I don’t know if this was an attempt to replicate arcade machines or just incompetence but i don’t like it.
-The reason this drifty control style was tolerable back then was due to their being infinite space to move around. This play area is claustrophobic as hell
-Enemies can spawn on top of you, leading to deaths you couldn’t even see coming!

-The agility class is the best one, no competition. Followed by speed, attack and then defense (Defense is absolutely horrible, by the way)
pheonix wright ace vanguard
optimal strats
spam space

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 3.5 (Great sprites)
:speaker:Sound - 1 (I don’t care if you don’t know how to use the sound module, still lazy)
:joystick:Controls - 2.5 (Should’ve stayed in the arcades)
:anger:Difficulty - 4 (The floaty controls make it worse than it has to be)
:gear:Stability - 4.5 (Hitting walls is VERY punishing)

Final Score: 3.5/5
Could be a great game with nostalgia everywhere, but winds up having the bad parts of arcade games overshadow the good parts.


Sidenote: See Starblast Finale for an amazing example when it comes to space shooters

There haven’t been any submissions lately, so i’ll start reviewing the front page games now

(The reason i didn’t do it sooner is because i forgot lel)

First in line is Focus 2 by @CrimsonBlackGames

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Focus was underrated XD

Super hard in the later parts, though

I know you’re going through the home page but wanted to make the request official. Please review

Night of the Attack of the Giant Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs from Hell.

There’s more to do than just smash bugs :wink: see what you can find by checking the items around the house.


Sure thing! I’m prioritizing requests over the front page games so i’ll get to it right away

Not gonna lie, i’m kind of excited to review it


The king of mini-games is BACK and with a game that peaks at the opening cinematic… Honestly, behind the games charm is more-or-less a broken-ass game that refuses to tell you anything. Believe me, I REALLY wanted to enjoy it, but…

+Combining every horror movie naming convention into one Frankenstein of a game name is just genius!
+Immediately upon starting the game, the first thing i notice is the charming visuals and UI!
+The stinkbugs’ movements look fuckin gross and i don’t know why
+The matrix effect after you go past the gate and fuckin die is pretty amazing looking, i love effects like these!
+The abundance of SFX help keep up the unsettling and charming atmosphere (Even if there are too damn many of them at times)
+The near-faint melody is both charming and creepy! Well done!
+Every step you take, there’s more charming details to observe!
+The flavor text at the top is a nice touch

-If you turn around too-quickly with the flashlight, your character decides to get some exercise in!
-It’s VERY unclear what you’re supposed to do and the game gives you no direction as to what you’re supposed to be doing, leading to deaths that weren’t your fault
-I turn away from the game for 1 second and it already crashed… Flowlab is an amazing platform with no flaws
-The flashlight effect looks fine, but i feel like it could’ve been done better
-You can move as you die and it’s pretty whack

–HOW DO YOU CLEAR OUT STINK BUGS? Seriously, i never figured it out on my own and it irritates me!

*“Made with I’m starting to see that as “Made with in my head
*Can someone tell me what the TV in the dream section is about?

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 4.5 (Charming and well made!)
:speaker:Sound - 4.5 (They do a pretty good job at giving you a heads up as to what’s going on while not being too intrusive)
:joystick:Controls - 3 (Serviceable)
:anger:Difficulty - 4.5 (The vagueness really shoots this game in the foot)
:gear:Stability - 3.5 (Honestly one of the most unstable games iv’e played so far)

Final Score: 3.5/5
It seems like a good game, but i have no clue what’s going on…