Mentorship program

I have noticed a couple of users who want to get better at flowlab but don’t necessarily have the exposure or the time to do it.(since they also work on a game) So, I’m going to see how this goes:

What this is

This will be a joint program from several mentors who will take their time(perhaps an hour of prep?) to make a “lesson” for people to do, this can be anywhere from pixel art to expression intricacies. Hopefully, this program will bring a rise of more enlightened users and lead them to greater heights in flowlabbing.

How this will work

I will make a game for this program and invite all the students onto it, each student will have their own level that the mentors could check up on to see the student’s code or art, and every week(subject to change) the students can pick a lesson they want to do from a selection of them to complete for that week. The way the students will pick their lessons is via polls, each mentor could teach multiple lesson if they want, but the lessons will only be taught if there are 3+ people who would want to learn that.

How to sign up as a Mentor

You need to have some sort of idea of what you want to teach, once you do, reply right here and I’ll add you to a private DM with all the other mentors. Once you sign up, tell me what you want to teach, and once we have enough, I’ll add a poll to this topic with all the programs for the students to choose from, and following that, we will organize what order each program will be taught(we might also just teach all of them and each student will have a week to complete it) and then actually follow through and either you guys can make a private message with all your students, or make a public topic so anyone can do the program but they just won’t get checked on. Mentors could also be students if there is something they want to learn

How to sign up as a student

Join this poll:

  • I want to be a student

0 voters

and soon enough, if this works, we will have a list of programs for you to choose from and complete on a weekly basis.

Alright, I think I covered everything in this, if any of you have any questions just tell me and hopefully this works out.


Side note: Ping me if you want to be a mentor and state what you want to teach, I, personally will be teaching Small pixel art basics, not sure if thats desirable, but its here.
Lessons could also be multi level, with each week progressing, so you guys will have lots of freedom on how you want to do things.


hey can i join whatever this is?


Yep just do the poll and you’re officially signed up


may i show you my souls like project?


You can ping me on the OTC but I’ll probably not be able to check it out until later


We got our first mentor! Pug is teaching


and as the title suggests, it going to be about making your game feel good with bounces and squashes, particles and screen shakes


I like juice. In Vironia, Flying Fajita and I just added particles.


I’d love to teach tips and tricks with extractors. Do you have a specific way you’d like our lessons to be made?


I would prefer non-voice mentoring. I will never reveal my voice. I would be honored to be taught by you though.


This user definitely doesn’t need mentoring. He is already very experienced.


Maybe there is something he is hoping to learn. Everyone has room for improvements.


Current list of Mentors:

@paisleypug with “Juice your game up”
@CodeAlpaca with “Lists Masterclass” and “Organization Masterclass”
@Hong_Jooni_Pooni with “Intro to 16x16 or 8x8 pixel art”

Pending mentors(people who want to teach but don’t exactly know what)
@DinoDev @Tapeboiii

These are all great programs, and I will be taking alpaca’s list masterclass, the classes will be taught in whatever way the mentor sees fit, I’ll have more info soon, so stay tuned


Do I need to take this? I have a little experience with pixel art.

That 'ought to be interesting.

I like juice.


You can pick and class you want, you can pick multiple, this is what interests you


Ok, I’ll try the Juice one first. What’ll the classes be like?

1 Like

Personally I’d have them structured sorta like this:

Lesson 1 - [ ]

Today we’ll be talking about how to make [ ], your end result should look something like

Part 1, Basic [ ]

We’ll be starting out by doing some basic [ ]
[insert how to]


How the classes can be taught

This is ultimately up to the mentors but here are some ideas:

  1. A video tutorial, the mentor makes a tutorial for the others to follow in their own seperate level
  2. Instructional instructions, the mentor writes out a set of instructions on how to do their lesson, photos/screenshots would be nice too
  3. Just images, with explanations behind each one(for art lessons)


The mentor should either make their own topic, or make a private message with all students. The students will each have their own level for the mentors to check up on.


Ok, thanks for the information. I need to get back to drawing now.


Also, you guys can also request classes and I’ll see if there’s anyone who wants to do it. Like, Sup3r87 wants to teach spritestacking, but isn’t sure if anyone wants to learn


My mind would completely shatter. I only know of three people who can sprite stack.

It would be cool to have a little coding class. I still don’t know what half of the behaviors do. Logic gate, expression, text list, ect.