Top-of-the-line reviews! (The Crigence Critique)

Oh, I almost forgot about this: Some of the game art is temporary since there is currently a Halloween event going on in the game. Just putting that out there.

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That’s pretty important information to note, just so you and everyone else submitting games knows this in the future

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Though i can’t deny the games short comings, (Such as having a VERY weak intro) it by far is the best collection of sports-related games on Flowlab and in-general is one of the biggest games iv’e seen on Flowlab as yet! I’d love to re-review this game once finished!

+I must admit, i didn’t expect a giant cube to come and crush me…
+The game seems to be constructing a pretty detailed world here, and it seems to also be doing a good job drip feeding details… Even if “Show don’t tell” is being massacred in the process
+Wow, i guess the game just had a horrible intro then because DAMN is this main menu good!
+Amazing music choices
+I got to give points for having an in-game shop, i LOVE this kind of thing!
+There are little details everywhere in this game that add up to make it so much more!
+The gamemodes are surprisingly varied, and with MASSIVE replay value by Flowlab standards!

-Does the resolution REALLY need to be set to MAX?!
-Game starts off a little… Visually boring, honestly. The intro’s 90% black!
-The game has no audio as Boris is speaking either, and the next button doesn’t even show your characters response! (Lazy)
-The “Yes” and “No” buttons are absolutely PUNY compared to the screen size and even the text boxes!
-Clicking the Y and N buttons reopen the text boxes, even if they’re already open :confused:
-The menu, while being unique as hell, has no indication of what anything does. And why is the back button so damn small?
-Not gonna sugar-coat it; the bosses are horrible

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 3.5 (Not bad)
:speaker:Sound - 4 (Good music and good sound effects, even if i DID wish there were more)
:joystick:Controls - 3 (Meh)
:anger:Difficulty - 2.5 (The A.I. is braindead, just let go off the keyboard and it might score a point for you XD)
:gear:Stability - 4 (Blatant oversights here and there, but good besides that)

Final Score: 4/5
Perhaps a little too ambitious, but ambition certainly pays off!


PS: Gonna review @Ramshacklegamestudios’s game too today since i forgot to review Pixel Sports yesterday


Thanks for the review! I’m glad that you enjoyed the game, and I’ll try to take your advice you left.



I had to tap out of the game early because i simply couldn’t figure out what to do, which should tell you one very important thing about this game: It’s confusing and somewhat poorly coded. Ramshackle, you REALLY should’ve waited before submitting the game.

+Intro dialogue certainly sets the mood
+Lovely gore by Flowlab standards!
+The game certainly has unique visuals!
+The game has special dialogue for when you punch a friendly character, lol
+The game has a BADASS looking day and night cycle, combined with that gradient!
+The slowdown effect upon getting a good kill is a nice touch

-The games name is horrible, no beating around the bush there.
-The devs logos kind of pop into existence before fading in
-The motion blur looks horrible due to its offset
-The enemies will occasionally spaz the hell out for no reason
-The game has no real sense of direction and has no excuse to be so
-The credits are just lazily made

*Ok, the intro had LOTS to unpack so let me list everyone working on this game: F3Art, Crossed Swords Game Studios AND Vipertech Entertainment all collaborated on this one! Holy hell!
*“Strong computer recommended” sounds like an excuse for the game to be horribly optimized!

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 4 (The gradient makes the game look WAY better than it would otherwise, i may have to steal it…)
:speaker:Sound - 2.5 (If there was music i didn’t hear it, but the SFX were pretty good)
:joystick:Controls - 2.5 (Unintuitive, it would be nice if there was a weapon menu of some sort)
:anger:Difficulty - 4 (The player is powerful, yet squishy)
:gear:Stability - 3.5 (I’m not even sure of the score myself…)

Final Score: 3/5
VERY high amounts of protentional here, it just needs better game design and better coding and you’re good to go!

Oh, I’d also want to put it out there, my game has full-screen on (semi-permanently) because, compared to the game screen size, the sprites are very small (you even said that many of the interface buttons were puny compared to everything else), so having max resolution made it easier to see the little guys. As for why DoM has max resolution… I’m not sure why. I did contribute to the game, but the only thing I did was terrain and then I just disappeared. It would not be fair for me to put myself in the credits if I didn’t do anything useful.

Although I do see why it might be annoying for you, not everybody likes max-resolution, so I might add the option to deactivate full-screen in Pixel Sports.


Thanks for the review! I don’t think you were quite harsh enough, but thanks i guess for being nice lol

At this point in development the game deserves a 1.3/10, and were still working out a lot of problems and bugs. And I still don’t think that I should’ve turned it in later. The whole point was to get ideas and to be aware of what were doing wrong!

P.s. The credits took me about 2 seconds and I was about to delete it anyway sooo…


@Crigence i tried to do this before the review, but i guess i was too late. you can leave the house where shirley lives now.

and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but i use that gradient (or a gradient) in basically every game i make now. message me if you want to get that specific one.

thanks for the review. next thing on my personal to-do list for the game is quests, addressing the lack of direction.

btw idk if anyone knows this but there’s kind of an unfinished weapon you can use if you press r. (it currently only works on the infected with a black shirt) also you need to hold down left click to use it.


That’s the opposite of what i was expecting you to respond with! Also now that you mention it, i was planning to give the game a 2.5 but i bumped it up to a 3 so not to discourage you or anything

I figured there was something missing :confused:

Also don’t worry, i recreated the gradient by myself. You can see how it looks in Bounce Jam

Lastly, good luck with the game. As i said, it still has plenty of potential!

Especially now that rcreger is joining the team! @Crigence @F3Art


what are you talking about @Ramshacklegamestudios?

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Need feedback on



I had to quit the game early because 1) I was walking around doing nothing in a big field for about 5 minutes and 2) I was afraid that i was racking up too many negative notes. Despite this, i will admit, this game DOES have a surreal feel to it and that IS a rather unique strength!

+I literally just started the game and already this is surreal as hell – The lack of music, the “walking” sound, the game just throwing you in, it’s all makes me feel like i’m in a lucid dream
+The use of physics objects (Objects the player can push) is certainly unique by Flowlab standards

-There’s no sound-effects and no music
-Invincibility frames would be nice
-Looking at this game from the surface, what does it even have to do with wizards?
-I had to use the editor to even access the title screen and thusly the game :confused:
-Bare bones tutorial
-Some animations to make the game feel less dead would be nice
-The end portals are un-nessacarily hard to enter
-“Press shift to sheild” Ignoring the grammar, this pop up appears for (And i timed it) 1 SECOND, and the *shield itself is just poorly executed overall
-If those grey things with the barrels are turrets, than they need to be fired for their aim. Speaking of fire; It will randomly appear out of thin air if you look close enough
mediocre main menu

Scores (Scale of 1/5)

:eye:Visuals - 1.5 (Leave a lot to be desired)
:speaker:Sound - 1.5 (There’s about 3 sound effects in the whole game)
:joystick:Controls - 3 (Meh)
:anger:Difficulty - 1.5 (You have to go out of your way to die)
:gear:Stability - 2.5 (I don’t even know anymore…)

Final Score: 2/5
The game in its current state is unimpressive, to say the least. But i’d be lying if i said the game didn’t have any legs to stand on! Keep working on it edward, and it could be worthy of a 4 someday

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I’ll get to it today, thanks for the submission!

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@Crigence It’s been a week or so since you reviewed my game, but thank you a lot! (Reminds me of the “old days” lol) I completely agree, more content needs to be added!

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got a demo of a level maker im making. how is it?

There is currently no music or sound effects on my game. This is because I have a free account and/ or do not understand the process of adding them.
Also, when can I expect your review to be conducted?

I’m going to have to reduct points for it regardless, no sound is still no sound

Also i have a bit on my plate but i’ll try to get it done either today or tomorrow